Orange County’s #1 Panel Replacement Specialists

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Is your home’s Electrical Breaker Panel a potential fire hazard? Peace of mind is just a phone call away. Don’t delay. Call today!
But there are so many other contributing possibilities. If you tried a quick breaker reset with no success, Tradesman Electric’s panel experts will eliminate the guesswork and the potentially unsafe condition. If that circuit trips often, you need to have the issue checked out. Tradesman Electric can help! We will determine the cause of the outlet issue and while doing that, they will look for any safety concerns.
If you have an electrical issue in your home, schedule a visit from Tradesman Electric either online or by calling us at 949-378-8334.

Orange County Electrical Panels 101:
The Parts and Purpose of Your Home’s Electrical Panel
Your home’s electrical panel – also sometimes referred to as a circuit panel- consists of a variety of standardized parts that all work together to keep the lights on at your home and provide power to appliances and electrical devices plugged into your home’s electrical outlets. You can think of it as the nervous system of your home, relaying signals from switches to devices and outlets. All Orange County Elctrical panels contains circuits, circuit breakers, conductors, and safety devices to consistently and safely relay energy throughout a home. Use the chart below to learn more about the function of each component in your electrical panel:
A discontinuous circuit that prevents electricity flow, often caused by a cut wire or a blown fuse. |
Orange County Electrical Panels 101:
The Parts and Purpose of Your Home’s Electrical Panel
Your home’s electrical panel, often called a breaker box, circuit panel, or fuse box is the heart of your homes’ electrical service. All the standardized parts work together and keep the lights on and provide power to all the appliances and electrical devices that you use every day. All Orange County Electrical panels contain multiple circuits, circuit breakers, conductors, and safety devices. Use the chart below to learn more about the function of each component in your electrical breaker panel:
A discontinuous circuit that prevents electricity flow, often caused by a cut wire or a blown fuse. |

Orange County Electrical Panel Safety:
How to Take Precaution and Avoid Disaster
Live wires, electrical outlets, and electrical panels can all injure or even kill humans if handled improperly.
Do you suspect a problem with your home’s electrical breaker panel? Call Tradesman Electric and have expert support and call as soon as possible. You are encouraged to call the electrical company and emergency responders FIRST if you notice sparks, smoke, or suspect an electrical fire. It is also important to call a professional electrical panel safety specialist that can repair or replace a damaged electrical panel or component once a crisis has been averted. Because the breaker panel is the heart of your home’s electrical service, your electrical system will not function without a working electrical panel. A short-term quick fix to get electricity back up might not be a long-term solution. It’s possible that the quick fix could put a strain on your home’s electrical system simply delay a major power shutdown, power surges, or create hazardous situations. Sometimes, a quick fix can even increase the risk of fire.
Old Orange County Electrical Panels
Over time, older electrical breaker panels can present dangerous conditions. Those conditions could lead to a circuit breaker overload that will not shut down. When that circuit breaker continues to provide electricity, it can eventually lead to smoking panels and possibly start a fire. We highly recommend that you call Tradesman Electric and have one of our electricians replace your old electrical panel. A new circuit breaker panel will not only be a safer and more efficient model, but you will have peace of mind knowing your family and home are safe.
Pest Issues
Aside from aging outdated breaker panels, there are a variety of other problems that could be serious trouble for your home’s electrical system. Rodents like rats, mice, and even squirrels will nibble on wires. If a pest were to make it inside of your electrical breaker panel, it could be electrocuted and create serious corrosion within the breaker panel box. The best advice for pests and rodents if they are interfering with your home’s electrical system would be a qualified pest control company first. Other electrical issues that might limit the life of your electrical panel also need to be addressed. Electrical surges, oxidation of the electrical components, and parts that have worked themselves loose, possibly causing arcing, melted electrical components, and scorching of the breaker panel requiring breaker panel replacement. Contact Tradesman Electric for service.
How will you know when to call for service? If you experience any of the following, call Tradesman Electric for help: You have a Power outage, breakers that trip excessively, lights flicker or turn on and off intermittently, electronic equipment resets unexpectedly, outlets lose power and it returns without your intervention, Sparks, or there’s a fire. As with any electrical issue, contact a licensed electrician to do a comprehensive inspection of your electrical panel and your home’s electrical system.

Orange County Electrical Panels Solutions for Every Home
We start by checking everything.
Tradesman Electric’s electricians are specialists in electrical breaker panel repair in Orange County. If your home needs a new electrical breaker panel or just a health check-up on an aging electrical system, Tradesman Electrics’ talented and licensed electricians are your answer. We offer free consultations on weekdays during normal business hours. Our technician will be checking everything from the breakers to the busbar in your electrical breaker panel. By the end of the consultation, we will explain any potential problems and offer a plan for maintenance, repair, or panel replacement.
Orange County electrical panels maintenance might involve changing out breakers, and this service can typically be performed the same day as the consultation. Be aware, older breaker panels might require replacement parts that are not available. Service might not be possible. If your home’s electrical system utilizes an outdated or recalled electrical breaker panel, we will recommend that you let us replace it with a newer, safer, and more efficient model.
Panel replacement is typically a last resort and utilized when the panel has been damaged, unrepairable, or has been recalled as unsafe. A breaker panel replacement can be costly, but protecting your family and your home is a paramount concern. Plus a new breaker panel will save money from costly damages, repairs, and high electric bills in the future.
Is your home’s electrical system giving you trouble? Schedule an appointment online or call us at 949-378-8334. We will contact you to confirm your appointment, and one of our electricians will be out for a consultation.
Tradesman Electric is Orange County’s #1 Panel Replacement Specialist